In thinking about the role of Scarecrows in farming and gardening there seems to be a schism in their relevance to Martinez and this urban area. The traditional scarecrow was designed to protect grains, leafy greens and fruit crops from flocks of birds.
I don't think this fellow will traumatize any local birds.
The diversity of permaculture plantings helps to detract from the ease with which a whole flock could descend upon a single crop of their choice.
This figure, while resembling David, is more like a piece of seasonal garden art.
Some History from Dave's Garden
A lot of information here
For a laugh
Is there another more appropriate name for such a creation? I thought of Garden Guardian. Please send me more at
Other humorous names from the old perspective:
Tyranno-straw-us Rex
Frosty the Snow-crow
Little Crow Peep
Scarey Potter
Scarey Poppins
Save your old boots and work pants. Bring them along to the Community Garden at 333 Center Ave. and we will construct a few Guardians. Some for the garden, or take one home. We will have some tools with screws, wire, baler twine and straw for stuffing available.
We will begin at about 6:15pm at the parking lot end.
Also a lone male Guardian might feel lonely so what about building some lady Guardians.
Save your dresses and head scarves!
I don't think this fellow will traumatize any local birds.
The diversity of permaculture plantings helps to detract from the ease with which a whole flock could descend upon a single crop of their choice.
This figure, while resembling David, is more like a piece of seasonal garden art.
Some History from Dave's Garden
A lot of information here
For a laugh
Is there another more appropriate name for such a creation? I thought of Garden Guardian. Please send me more at
Other humorous names from the old perspective:
Tyranno-straw-us Rex
Build Your Own Garden Guardian.
The next Crop Swap is on September 23rd and we are planning to have a Garden Guardian building playshop alongside the tables of surplus we share.Save your old boots and work pants. Bring them along to the Community Garden at 333 Center Ave. and we will construct a few Guardians. Some for the garden, or take one home. We will have some tools with screws, wire, baler twine and straw for stuffing available.
We will begin at about 6:15pm at the parking lot end.
Also a lone male Guardian might feel lonely so what about building some lady Guardians.
Save your dresses and head scarves!
A Garden Guardian in the making |
The "Thanks" raised bed (Center Ave. end of the bottom row) has been converted to a Netafim drip tubing irrigation system. We have planted winter producing crops of Peas, Fava beans, Kale, Beets Swiss Chard and Radishes.
We might need to move the tubing closer together. The emitters are every 12 inches and deliver 0.92 gallons per minute.
A modest beginning to restore the food component of this gardening gift.
We hope you have enjoyed a wonderful summer and are ready for the rains!
David and Tess |