

Monday, November 11, 2013

November Nights

We look forward to a beautiful Full Moon on November 17th

The November moon is often referred to as the Hunter's Moon in England or a Beaver Moon in the Native American tradition. 

November Movie Night 
Friday November 22nd 6-9:30pm
2421 Center Avenue, Martinez, CA 94553
RSVP required as space is limited:
Bring your own dinner/snack and some to share if you are so inclined or dine earlier and just bring yourself :) We will socialize before the movie starts at 7pm. Perhaps a discussion afterwards.
Symphony of the Soil, 2012, 103 minutes
Drawing from ancient knowledge and cutting edge science, Symphony of the Soil is an artistic exploration of the miraculous substance soil. By understanding the elaborate relationships and mutuality between soil, water, the atmosphere, plants and animals, we come to appreciate the complex and dynamic nature of this precious resource. The film also examines our human relationship with soil, the use and misuse of soil in agriculture, deforestation and development, and the latest scientific research on soil’s key role in ameliorating the most challenging environmental issues of our time. Filmed on four continents, featuring esteemed scientists and working farmers and ranchers, Symphony of the Soil is an intriguing presentation that highlights possibilities of healthy soil creating healthy plants creating healthy humans living on a healthy planet.

Another November Night ...

Our November Crop Swap

November 27th, 2013
333 Center Ave, Pacheco
Arrive at 6:15 trading starts at 6:30
Since it will be dark we will have lighting. 
We know that it is the day before Thanksgiving. We also feel that we need to be consistent with holding this space so that everyone can be assured that we will be hosting the Crop Swap on the 4th Wednesday of each month.
However the 4th Wednesday of December coincides with Christmas Day so we will be skipping that date. No Crop Swap in December. We'll be back in January!

A note from Jennifer, our relentless recycler and community builder, who initiated and manages each Crop Swap ...

This month we will be trading fall vegetables, fruit, seeds, plants, honey, eggs, home made canned goods, recipes, as well as books, DVD's, CD's, music, magazines and gently used clothing. 

We will also have a BonFire and hot chocolate to celebrate the changing of the seasons. If you have any questions please call me at 925-360-4762

Thank you to everyone who participated in last months Crop Swap. Not only did we still have plenty of crops to share we collected over 40 Coats and sweatshirts and 10 blankets for the homeless.

Thank you, Jennifer

Another local non-nocturnal date

 Permi Blitz 2013 
Saturday, November 16th, 9am-1pm
Rogers Ranch Community Garden, Pleasant Hill

Taught by permaculture specialists through hands-on activities, this year’s Permi Blitz workshop is all about taking easy, sustainable practices into your own home. Learn all about composting and worm casting, seed saving, how to build an herb spiral, and how to make your own delicious almond milk (and bring some home with you)!
Coffee, tea, snacks and a healthy lunch will be provided.

Space is limited. Register at

Got Scratch?

Henrietta and Egglintine have just gone through a molt period. This is a normal part of their laying cycle whereby their systems basically take a rest. They stop laying and loose a lot of feathers. Their natural laying cycle is orientated to an increasing day length. As the day length decreases they stop laying. Same avian physiology as wild birds who generally build nests and lay eggs in spring.
Happily their plumage is recovering and they we open to being photographed.

We planted onion sets and Beets at CACG this week.
 The local Fruitless Mulberry  (Morus alba) trees have entered their season for pollarding.

"Pollarding trees" means cutting them back nearly to the trunk, so as to produce a dense mass of branches.  Today, usually for aesthetic purposes and/or to keep a beloved tree from outgrowing its bounds, necessitating removal. But traditionally, it was done for other reasons: the cut branches were either fed to livestock (fodder), burned as fuel or used to make furniture.
We will have the wattle panel maker set up soon and you are welcome to come by and build a section.
We also have a plan to build a nest like structure made from Mulberry limbs in the garden. More on that soon.
We are looking for a display cabinet structure to start our own Little Free Library at the garden.
You can see more of the concept behind this community building project at:
Or if someone would like to build one for us that would be wonderful. There are plans on the website. There is also a gallery which showcases many beautiful and creative designs.
I hope you will enjoy some some wonderful November Nights this year.
925 286 7225

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